
How To Use A Kindle Fire Without Registering

How To Employ a Kindle without an Amazon Account

How To Use a Kindle without an Amazon Account

The Amazon Kindle was one of those devices that completely inverse the style we live. Paper books became an endangered species and other manufacturers rushed to produce copies of the Kindle then they could get in on the activeness. If you own 1, did you know you tin utilise a Kindle without tying it to your Amazon business relationship?

Amazon sells Kindle as a loss leader. This means they accept a hit on the upfront cost of the device hoping to make it dorsum and then some on selling books, magazines and other media yous want to employ on it. That's why Kindle is and so insistent on you registering your Amazon account when you first kicking upwardly the device. Information technology wants yous to be able to buy whenever the mood strikes as this is where Amazon makes the existent coin.

Y'all don't accept to exercise this if y'all don't desire to though. It's your device, utilise information technology your way.

Use a Kindle without registering an Amazon account

While it isn't obvious, you can go into your Kindle without linking it to your Amazon account or creating a new account. It does limit the utility of the Kindle though. You won't be able to purchase books or magazines or use a lot of the gratis stuff Amazon likes to give away. Y'all won't be able to use Collections either. You will be able to employ it as a standalone e-reader though.

If yous install Calibre onto your Kindle, you tin can transfer books and media from your computer onto it and use information technology as a basic tablet.

When you first start your Kindle, go out WiFi turned off or don't connect information technology to your WiFi network. Instead of being forced to register with Amazon or create a new business relationship, you lot will be given the option to register later. Information technology is this option you tin use to not register your Kindle.

As long as y'all can ignore the prompts to annals and install an eBook reader of some kind, you can utilize the Kindle every bit much as you like.

Some newer versions of Kindle strength y'all to connect to WiFi. Option one is to hit the X in the corner of the WiFi setup screen to generate a 'Gear up Later' option. Choose this to begin using your Kindle without registering.

Option two is to select to create a new Amazon account and yous should see a 'Set Subsequently' pick in the bottom left of the next screen. Select that and you're in the same place.

Deregistering your Kindle from your Amazon account

If you lot have already registered your Kindle, y'all can deregister it if you similar. It volition limit its functionality to being an eBook reader but you can nonetheless get your reading done on it. Again, you won't be able to use Collections, buy books or media from Amazon or download their freebies.

  1. Open your Kindle and select Settings.
  2. Select My Account and so Deregister.
  3. Confirm your choice at the popup menu.

You volition exist signed out of your Amazon business relationship and will demand to utilise third party apps to read books and practice whatever else it is you practise on your Kindle.

What data does Amazon collect about Kindle employ?

If you take the patience to read Amazon's privacy page, it reads like a generous company who wouldn't dream of spying on what yous exercise with your Kindle. Anecdotal testify and some investigations by various people is mixed to say the to the lowest degree.

This page over at Stack Commutation lists a bunch of entries including logs captured from Kindle when it was connected to WiFi. For the most office, the data looks benign and anonymized. Some of it was identifiable though.

This page over at Investopedia lists some of the many means Amazon tracks you, including your Kindle usage. Again, information technology'south mainly nearly concern and your reading habits rather than anything serious.

I think it safe to assume that Amazon will track your purchases, reading habits, time using the Kindle and time reading specific books or magazines. This all feeds into its recommendations engine and helps information technology sell you more stuff. Recollect, Kindle is a loss-leader and Amazon wants their money.

Some users have said that Amazon tracks books not bought from its platform and sideloaded using Calibre or other eBook reading app. I think this is likely truthful likewise. The Amazon OS may non exist able to tell the departure between a volume bought on its platform or a volume loaded from your PC.

I don't think in that location are any darker motives for Amazon to track your habits. It'south a moneymaking machine and does what it needs to do to brand that coin. Zilch more, nothing less.

Do you lot know what data Amazon uses to track u.s. on Kindle? Tell united states beneath if y'all do!

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